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tv   Al Jazeera World News  LINKTV  March 9, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm PST

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>>kenyatta is appointed king of's new president but his rival refuses to accept defeat. kenyatta took 50.07% of the vote. he is off to the supreme court. this is al jazeera live from london. 21 peacekeepers held hostage in syria are right safely in the jordanian capital. and take direct action over debt sentences handed out in egypt. police prepare for the conclave
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of. taking says with technology. the high technology that is helping dementia sufferers. hello there. the ballots had been cast. kenyatta is declared the winner of the election. the process is far from over . from took50.07% of the vote which is what you need to avoid a runoff. >> while some must inevitably lose, the citizens of the country never lose. in this election, every single vote matters. from this moment every boy's
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that contributes to the national dialogue will be had -- voice that contributes to the national dialogue will be had. our duty now is to return to our lives, to return to our jobs, to businesses, and to continue making the daily decisions that will transform this country. >> it will not be as simple as that. his main opponent is not accepting defeat because he has doubts about the way votes were counted. >> we will shut the move and challenge the outcome that they announced a few hours ago. we want to appeal to respect the rule of law and the constitution of which they are so proud. let the supreme court decide whether they will do this with a loved one.
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>> it has not gone down well in his hometown. they spoke out. batons were deployed in the western port city after protesters sthrew rocks and burned tires. anger in the odinga camp. >> as kenyatta stood at the center, thousands of supporters gathered to hear the final word. >> [indiscernible] >> they waited for him to arrive. they taunted the former chief prosecutor of the criminal courts. look at this they shouted. to them this was not just a vote for the man they believed the
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country needs. it was a referendum of the icc charges laid against him. >> most of the western countries if they have any opinion, they have to change it. it has been decided today. what kenyans see is what they have to respect. >> the mood was a lot more somber here. the expected to win the election in the first round appeared to have lost comprehensively amid all of the allegations of vote ringing brings disturbing echoes of 2007. >> it will destroy the station forever. it will not serve anyone's interests. >> these are his of the soldiers, a fiercely loyal young men who saw this as a chance for political reform. the also remember the violence
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after the last vote that almost destroyed their home. >> it is somewhere. we have the time to cool it off. the time will be decided by the courts. >> the issue with the boards, we entrusted them. we trusted with all of their fate is that they will do something different than what they did in 2007. >> nobody here want to go back to those dark days. while people still have their complaints, it seems kenyans have also learned some painful lessons. al jazeera. >> a nigerian group says it has killed seven foreign hostages. they were taken in the north of nigeria in mid-february. they were working for a
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lebanese construction company. the group claiming responsibility is a center of many attacks against christian targets in nigeria. nelson mandela is in the hospital. he was admitted on saturday. doctors say he is in for routine tests and there is up as yet no cause for concern. 21 hostages have been released. this shows the filipinos are arriving at the jordanian capital. the rebels have held them in syria since wednesday. we are joined live from iman. how did this really come about? >> they entered jordan on saturday afternoon. about an hour-and-a-half ago, at the 21 peacekeepers were brought to the headquarters of the jordanian armed forces and were
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greeted by jordanian officials. they do not make any statements. they seem healthy and unharmed. the officials made statements welcoming all. they said that they were happy to see them safe and sound. what we understood from some of our sources is that at the beginning jordan was a bit hesitant and reluctant to let them lead cirio -- area through jordan. they do cooperate with the armed rebels when it comes to issues like transporting refugees into jordan. when it comes to striking deals and official agreement about the handover of hostages, jordan is not at that stage yet. they reject the request. it later because jordan actually participates with many of its forces and many peacekeeping
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missions, they allow them to come in. we understood that they were transported by the armed rebels who also gave an account that the u.n. convoy did not arrive earlier on saturday to pick them up. they did ask the u.n. to send a representative but the u.n. did not do so. there are many accounts of what actually happened inside syria today. what we do know is they have arrived. they are safe. they were not harmed. they were detained for three days with the armed rebels and returned to jordan and now they are officially under the responsibility of the united nations, and no longer under the responsibility of the jordanian army. >> thank you. more violence in egypt's capital was supporters protesting as the final verdict handed out over the stadium riot. 74 fans were killed in the bins
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of the first of february back in 2012. 21 fans have been sentenced to death. there is anger at the verdict given to police and officials. >> on one thing football fans having, no matter what club they support is a hatred of the police. after hearing seven of the nine security officials on trial were acquitted, dozens of athletic fans headed to the building closest to the club stadium, setting ablaze and looting a police social club as well as the football federation building. fans are angry that most of the remaining 52 defendants were acquitted. some like this man who lost his son, the important thing is that no more blood was spilled. >> we are not happy with this verdict.
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it they should have been services -- sentenced to 25 years in prison. you have to accept it. >> are lost one child. i cannot bear the thought of losing another. initially there was celebration at the confirmation of the 21 death sentences. >> the death sentences are fair but the verdict of the other officers are unjust. they should have been given death sentences. they caused the death of our children. >> other defendants including stadium officials received sentences between one and 10 years. the mixed bag of bird kicks causing more confusion. after over a year and doesn't assistances, there's still a feeling that we're no closer to understanding what happened the night of the football disaster
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and who is to blame. in port said many rallies. people feel their officials are the scapegoats of this trial. the military has taken over security in an attempt to prevent a repeat of what happened at in january when over 40 died from the death sentence. with people both n port said and cairo unsatisfied, many remain on edge and waiting for justice. al jazeera, cairo. >> nicolas, durrell has caused some snap elections to replace hugo chávez. -- and it was maduro has costs and staff alleges replace he go chavez. we are live in the venezuelan capital. hello. is there any impossibility that
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maduro will not win at? >> the opposition candidates will be competing not just against him but in many ways against the ghost of president chavez. maduro has the blessing of chavez who has been allocated -- elevated to the host of a political saint by the ruling party. he is a tremendous advantage. the fact that he's out the interim president means he has the full resources of the state with which to campaign. he will be on television constantly making speeches. he has the experience and the fact that the opposition is also coming back from to devastating political defeats. first when they lost the election in october. this is a demoralized opposition that will now have to enter into a new election.
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>> a bomb has killed at least six people were shipping in a sunni mosque appeared in dozens more are being -- who were worshiping in a sunni mosque pureed dozens more are being taken care of. across the border in afghanistan there was an attack on the defense ministry in kabul. the taliban said it was a message to the new secretary of visiting the capital. >> this was an attack at the heart of the capital secure zone. less than a kilometer from where the u.s. secretary of defense will rethink. a suicide bomber on a bicycle minister reached the main gates too. >> i was near the defense compound when there is a powerful explosion. i saw dead people and wounded
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people everywhere. did the shooting started. we escaped the area. >> explosion was felt there out across cobble. >> a number of our afghans were killed in the attack. the majority are civilians. >> security was immediately tightened. the compound was placed under lockdown. chuck hagel's plan had touchdown in afghanistan eight hours earlier. he told reporters that he wanted to make his own assessment on the progress of america's war. >> we are at war. it did not stop. we have a word here. to continue to work with the afghans in coalition partners to fight that war and
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to ensure that the afghan people have every ability and right to develop their own country, and their own way in a democracy. >> the taliban and was quick to blame the responsibility. this is a direct message to the u.s. secretary of defense to demonstrate that the forces had failed to win this war. it does demonstrate that at the heart of kabul is as volatile as ever. >> still ahead, why some muslims in the u.k. say they are facing discrimination on their new student loan system. power to the people. we meet a syrian man risking his life to provide electricity. we will have all that and more when we come back.
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>> hello. we have another crop of showers moving to northern argentina through the east of paraguay. to the south of that it should not be too bad. conditions clearing up for uruguay. this is round east. in listen to the south east of brazil. it may become a little more extensive, running down to northern part of argentina as we go through monday. no great thing. we will see showers continuing on the basin. this is a possibility. there's a high of around 17 degrees. further north, it possibility into the western side of the caribbean chronicle what rep. for the most part it is fine. some lovely weather coming through. it had cooler than that with a high of around 25 degrees.
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another wintry weather system coming in across the central plains. the easton seaboards as dry as we go through the way of sunday. >>
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>> welcome back. kenyatta has won the election to avoid a runoff. odinga says he will launch an appeal. the 21 freed u.n. peacekeepers held by steering rebels have a right in jordon. their captor three days ago. an angry football porters have
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set like a stations in protest of guess is as is relating to the port said right last year. some muslims here in the u.k. said there have been forced to choose between their faith and their education. a new student loan system forces them all to pay interest on borrowings contrary to the teachings of islam. she should be at one of london's best universities having been offered a degree course of middle eastern studies. as she was about to start, she realized that a student loan worth $40,000 she would have to pay 3% interest. for a devout muslim that was unacceptable. >> it is what i really wanted to do. i felt slightly discriminated because i feel that education is a basic human right. at that was denied basic rights.
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>> students have been protesting about the new loan system. it is expensive. everybody has to get the loans of up to $14,000 a year for tuition. while there are complaints about how this would exclude the poor, it went unnoticed that it was such a big problem for devout muslims. it is not appear to have occurred to the government when it brought its new student loan system in that it might have an element of religious discrimination built into it. ministers say that they have found an alternative that is complying with islamic law. they say it will take new government legislation to enact it. it is not clear when that will happen. >> of the many muslims choose to access to the finance. there is not a consensus in this issue. we do not have strong evidence of members of any faith are unduly deterred from access instead of finance did to the
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interest rate charged. leaders say it have led to thousands dropping out of higher education. >> i have no doubt this is the biggest test facing muslim students ever. this is one of the most fundamental issues. i travelled across the whole international -- united kingdom. people are talking about going to university and go without being discriminated against. >> the banks are unable to offer any alternative funding structure. they say there is no choice but to wait for the government to change the law. people faced a hard choice of whether to pursue their educational ambition at the expense of their faith. >> they demanded an end to the reliance on atomic power. this comes two days after the second anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami. it triggered meltdown at the
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book shima power station. the fighting in syria has left many neighborhoods in ruins. electricity cables have also been downed. company workers are volunteering to get the light back on. one huge challenge facing those workers. >> high in the air, trying to restore electricity to the people of a lot of. he works for the state's electrical company for years. when rebel fighters to the government out of these governments, the people living near lost the service. >> cannot even describe my feelings. i'm really so happy volunteering for a humanitarian job like this. we are taking care of people just like freedom fighters. >> these men are not fighting. their job is still dangerous. two key members were recently killed by snipers or they were
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perched on the rooftops. >> my family says bless your help. sometimes we do not think he will come back from the human italian work -- humanitarian award because you leave in the morning and did not come back until night. >> the days are long because of high demand. irregulars supply have left entire neighborhoods in the dark. >> we haven't had no electricity. i hope people fix it and may god make his life better. >> it is clear. they're also the customers they serve to alert them to what they need. the land mines have been down break apart the eight months. there is a solution for that. an office was set up so people can come in person to register their complaints. they are noted and distributed
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to other field teams. these volunteers now depends on local businesses to buy spare parts. they hope it will be the start of a new municipal service. >> we are optimistic with people. it will turn their frustration into hope that will be wonderful. >> whether it is the new atmosphere are the challenge of certain ones, a true break. >> it is entirely different than before. we were not working much. we worked one day a week. we would just sit around waiting for bribes. now we're doing god's duty. >> the war in syria has brought destruction ansar to so many people. he has been motivated by nuisance of purpose. al jazeera, a los city. >> final preparations in the vatican city for the election of
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a new catholic pope. as catholics 08, at this church -- as the catholic sweet comedy church wheat for its place in the world. >> of the roman skyline is not the exclusive preserve of christian churches. rome is also the site of europe's largest mosque. the muslim and roman catholic faiths side-by-side appeared as the causes and enters a new era with a new leader, the changing attitude is under the spotlight. in 2006, the infamous lecture holds a serious risk. it will repair the damage of clerics to meet him in rome. the dialogue was constructed. he said the new coach arina the effort. >> he has many channels to
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reignite. we are here waiting for new information to foster a dialogue. below the new pope will be willing to hear from us and will commit himself to foster the interfaith dialogue. >> this is now a distant memory. instead thing is starting point for regular contact between the muslims and the catholic faith, this is been a regular. there is pressure on you ever becomes the next pope to set this on a more formal basis. >> the experts insist much progress has been achieved. the second vatican council ended the longstanding accusation of deicide. in 20007, it became the first pope to visit the temple in jerusalem.
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>> they are proving that the church is making more steps to put this dialogue in the recognition. that means we're still working. >> religiously motivated conflicts remain widespread. to christian preachers burning the car run in the united states appeared ample evidence that interfaith dialogue remains -- to christian preachers bring the car run in the united states. it ample evidence that interface dialogue remains. >> the rally was organized by a group calling for the country's political elite to step down. she has seen political turmoil with the dismissal of the opposition leader.
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the former italian prime minister silvio berlusconi is left to attend a it appeared he said
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